Mollywood has now a days waking up everyday hearing one or the other controversy or gossips. It has become a habit for mollywood audience also and they too waiting to hear these kind of news. Now the social media had become a tool for everyone to share and spread every news irrespective of its authenticity, logic or its news value. The latest in this list was involving actress Manju Warrier, her Ex-husband Dileep and her new film named Ennum Eppozhum which is running successfully in theaters now.
The controversy is that in the above mentioned film named Ennum Eppozhum Manju Warrier plays the role of an advocate and her name is Deepa. She is a divorced mother living with her daughter. At many places in the film the character played by Manju refers to her husband as cruel and that is the reason why she had divorced from him. But some people spread the rumour that Manju Warrier is indirectly referring to Dileep from who she got divorced in real life. Even though she is playing a character in reel life, that dialogues of her seems to be blown out of proportion by the above mentioned social media members.
In real life Manju Warrier got divorced from Dileep due to personal differences and their daughter is staying with Dileep and everyone knows about it. But the dialogues in the above mentioned film made the fans of Dileep angry and they just began to troll and insult Manju Warrier and began to spread it very quickly. When media people asked Dileep about this incident and his take on the alleged dialogues in the film, he said that he has no issues with the dialogues in the film and he don’t think it is intended to insult or attack him.
He said that it was not a person who is saying, it is a character who is uttering this dialogue according to the background of that character in that film. It has nothing to do with personal life of an actor or actress who is doing that role or uttering that dialogues.
Meanwhile the film is running with packed houses in mollywood and on the way to become one of the big hits of this year. The dialogues of this film is written by Ranjan Pramod and the story of the film is by Disco Raveendran.