Dulquer Salmaan-Venky Atluri Movie Title Announced on Actor’s Birthday Mollywood’s beloved actor, Dulquer Salmaan, is celebrating his birthday today, and he chose...
“Dulquer Salmaan Joins Suriya-Sudha Kongara’s Next Project” Sudha Kongara, a highly acclaimed female filmmaker in Indian Cinema, has garnered widespread attention through...
Megastar Chiranjeevi shines in the sizzling new Bholaa Shankar trailer. Creating waves of excitement among fans and Telugu movie enthusiasts, the trailer...
Dhanush’s Captain Miller teaser is out and getting fabulous responses. Dhanush exudes killer swag in the captivating teaser of Captain Miller, released...
Listin Stephen Announces Mohanlal Starrer under Magic Frames Banner Listin Stephen, a prominent figure in the Malayalam Cinema Industry, is set to...
Rajinikanth’s “Jailer” 3rd Single is out and ruling the Music Charts. Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming film “Jailer” is all set to grace screens...
Electrifying First Single ‘Halaballoo’ from RDX Movie Becomes Instant Hit on Social Media! RDX, an upcoming Malayalam Movie featuring Antony Varghese, Shane...
Manju Warrier to Star as Vijay Sethupathi’s Wife in Vetrimaran’s Viduthalai 2 Renowned filmmaker Vetrimaran holds a special place in Indian Cinema,...
Mohanlal and Prithviraj to Reunite in a Mass Political Thriller Directed by Shaji Kailas. Mollywood’s Complete Actor Mohanlal and Young Superstar Prithviraj...
Kamal Hassan’s Indian May Have a Possibility of a 3rd Part Ulaganayakan Kamal Hassan is currently engrossed in his most ambitious project...