Controversy ends: Aashiq Abu and Prithviraj withdraw from ‘Vaariyamkunnan’
Director Aashiq Abu and actor Prithviraj have pulled out of the controversial film ‘Vaariamkunnan’ which was based on the 1921 Malabar Rebellion. The explanation given was that the reason for the withdrawal was a disagreement with the producers. Prithviraj and others were subjected to a massive cyber-attack in the name of the film. In June 2020, Aashiq Abu announced the film ‘Vaariyamkunnan’.
Earlier, Ramiz, one of the screenwriters of the film, had dropped out of the project. Aashiq Abu said at the time that Rameez was withdrawing from the film due to his political and personal views. The film was intended to tell the story of Vaariamkunnath Kunjahammad Haji, who played an important role in the Malabar Revolution of 1921. The filming was about to begin in 2021, as it was the 100th anniversary of the Malabar Revolution, before it was called off.