Master director of Mollywood, Jeethu Joseph is looking forward to the release of his first Malayalam film after the epic Drishyam. The new film of his named Life of Josootty is coming on this Friday. Jeethu Joseph had a lot to say about his Josootty played by Dileep and there is always a chance that people will compare this film with his previous one Drishyam as it was such a big success and had made such a great impact on the audience all over India through the various language versions of that film. Jeethu had to say about it and as a part of it he says that his characters George Kutty played by Mohanlal in Drishyam and Josootty played by Dileep in Life of Josootty has a similarity and only one as well. That is both comes from a family of farmers and that’s all. There is nothing common between those characters other than that.
Jeethu says that you cannot expect a film like Memories or Drishyam while you watch Life Of Josootty. And also you can’t expect usual Dileep comedies as well while watching it. This will be a film which gives more focus on the character. He said that he can’t cheat the viewer who comes to watch his films. That is why he put the tagline of no twist and no suspense, only life to the title of Life of Josootty.
Many people expect something like that and many have asked him about it as well. That is why he created that tagline to make people understand that Life of Josootty is not such a film and don’t go expecting a thriller. It will be a good film which will not disappoint you.
Jeethu says that Life of Josootty depicts the two phases of life of a man called Josootty and the story extends from his 10th year of life to 30th year. It depicts a journey of Josootty to New Zealand who is born to a place at Kattappana. Jeethu also said that there are many characters in this film compared to his last few films and the story demands it.