Mohanlal reveals his politics : Says he is not a part of any political parties
Mollywood superstar Mohanlal is always known for his simplicity and humility as a person. At the same time he is always there to express the voice of a common man in different social issue and he uses his blogs to communicate that to the public and to the ones who responsible for such a situation. But often his words were misinterpreted by some people, specially, the people who believes in political ideologies blindly.
They makes Mohanlal, the follower of their opposition party if Mohanlal says something in an issue in which they had their hands in it. Now, in an exclusive interview to Flash Movie Magazine of Kerala Kaumudi, Mohanlal reveals his political stand for the first time. He says that he do not want to be a member of any political party or dies not want to endorse any political ideologies, as he not have that much knowledge about any political ideologies they put forward. He asks then how he can work in a communist party, congress party or in BJP.
When Mohanlal was written the blog related to the Kiss of Love issue and moral policing, BJP supporters said that Mohanlal is a communist and that is why he is supporting the views of communist party in this matter. When Mohanlal said about the harsh realities related to the murder of T P Chandrashekharan, communist supporters said that Mohanlal is a supporter of Congress part and that is why his words are indirectly pointing towards Communist party.
Then came the blog related to the JNU issue. That time also his words were misinterpreted and he had been tagged this time as a BJP supporter. The fact of the matter is that he never intended to support any political parties and its ideologies but he only wanted to express the view of a common man after seeing all those incidents. He just tried to tell what has been going through the mind of an ordinary citizen in this country while all these happening around him.
Now, with his clear cut reply about his political stand, let’s hope that from now on people who going against him using the name of political ideologies will stop barking at him and let him do his duty as an actor and as a citizen in this country.