New rules to be implemented in Censor Board of Film Certification
For last few months, the biggest issue faced by film makers in India was the age old rules followed by the Censor Board of Film Certification and their attitude towards certain movies here. They had the right to remove scenes and parts from a movie if they found it is not appropriate for the audience here. But many people had come against this rule, as it is not all a right thing that a group of people deciding what the film lovers or the movie audience in India would see or wouldn’t. Now that rule will be removed and new rules to be implemented in Censor Board of Film Certification in India.
A committee headed by Shyam Benegal had already submitted the recommended changes to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the bill will be passed in the winter session of Parliament this year. From now on, the duty of CBFC will be to certify the film according to its content and they will not have any right to remove or edit any parts from a movie.
U12+, U15+, A, A+ will be the four categories in which the CBFC can classify the movies. The movies which has explicit sexual content or brutal violence in it will be given an A+ certification. CBFC will not have the right to remove the any dialogues from the movies.
The statutory warning against smoking and alcohol will have to be shown once in the movie and that too at the beginning only. No need to show it in every such scenes in the movie according to the new recommendations from Shyam Benegal committee. They said that only movies with contents which can affect the security of our country or against the interests of our nation have to be banned and no other movies will get ban here from now on.