Aattam Review: Unraveling the Complexities of Betrayal and Trust ‘Aattam,’ directed by Anand Ekarshi, emerges as a captivating Malayalam film that premiered...
Anirudh Ravichander’s “Manasilaayo” Song from Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan Takes Tamil Cinema by Storm As the...
KH233 Shelved? Rumors Suggest It Became Thalapathy69 Directed by H Vinoth Buzz in the...
Rajinikanth Shines in Action-packed Vettaiyan Trailer, Promising a Blockbuster The highly anticipated trailer for...
Dulquer Salmaan’s Big-Budget Tamil Film Kaantha Begins Filming The highly anticipated Tamil movie Kaantha...
New ‘Progressive Filmmakers Association’ to Reform Malayalam Cinema In a significant development, prominent Malayalam...
Rumors Surface: Shankar Planning ‘Velpari’ Trilogy with Suriya and Vikram In a thrilling development...
Anurag Kashyap Joins Star-Studded Cast in Shabna Mohammed’s Upcoming Film DeLulu Pambaram Productions has...
Dulquer Salman’s Wayfarer Films to Distribute Jr. NTR’s Action-Packed Devara in Kerala Dulquer Salman’s...
Vettaiyan Prevue Launch: Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan Dazzle in a High-Octane Reunion The official...
Akshay Kumar Unveils First Look of ‘Bhooth Bangla’, Collaborates with Priyadarshan After 14 Years...