Dulquer Salmaan’s ‘Lucky Baskhar’ Unwraps its Charismatic First Glimpse on the Actor’s Debut Anniversary In a delightful turn of events, the first...
Dulquer Salmaan Diversifying His Portfolio: Bagging Consecutive Major Projects with Suriya and Kamal Haasan Renowned for his vibrant presence in Mollywood, the...
Kannur Squad Achieves Milestone as the 6th Highest Grossing Film in Mollywood, Surpasses Dulquer Salmaan’s Kurup Megastar Mammootty’s recent cinematic offering, ‘Kannur...
Dulquer Salmaan and Venky Atluri’s Much-Anticipated Movie ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ Begins Production Mollywood’s radiant star, Dulquer Salmaan, has commenced filming for his next...
Nazriya Nazim Set to Join Hands with Suriya and Dulquer Salmaan in Sudha Kongara’s Upcoming Film Renowned Tamil filmmaker Sudha Kongara, known...
Dulquer Salmaan Teams Up with Raj B Shetty: An Exciting Collaboration in the Works Dulquer Salmaan, the radiant star of Mollywood, has...
Dulquer Salmaan’s King of Kotha Reigns at the Box Office: First Day Collection Report Dulquer Salmaan, the iconic face of Mollywood recognized...
Dulquer Salmaan’s’King of Kotha Set to Conquer 800 International Screens, Marking a Monumental Milestone for Mollywood Dulquer Salmaan, the charismatic actor and...
Dulquer Salmaan’s ‘King of Kotha’ Sparks Excitement among Cinephiles; Dominates BookMyShow Trends Mollywood’s dynamic and versatile actor, Dulquer Salmaan, often hailed as...
Dulquer Salmaan drops a hint of his involvement in Prabhas’s Kalki 2898 AD Kalki 2898 AD stands tall as one of the...