Don 3 Title Announcement Teaser Unveils Ranveer Singh as Lead, Ushering in a New Era A new dawn rises as the much-anticipated...
Dulquer Salmaan’s King Of Kotha Trailer is out; A Spectacular Action Extravaganza is on the cards. Dulquer Salmaan, the shining star of...
Big All-India Box Office Clash Ahead on Independence Day Weekend As the Independence Day celebration in India approaches on August 15, film...
Rajinikanth’s Jailer Set to Shine on Over 300 Screens Across Kerala: Theater List is out With the global release of the highly...
Mollywood Pays Homage to the Late Director Siddique: A Heartfelt Tribute to a Beloved Icon The unexpected passing of renowned Mollywood filmmaker,...
Renowned Malayalam Film Director Siddique Passes Away. Malayalam cinema has lost a luminary today, as the beloved director Siddique, a stalwart in...
Buzz Alert: Vijay-Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Film ‘Leo’ Rumored to Release in Two Parts Leo, the highly anticipated movie in the realm of Indian...
Farhan Akhtar to Announce Don 3 with a Teaser; Big Change in Star Cast The Don Film series in Bollywood boasts an...
Introducing the Striking First Look Poster of Fahad Fazil in Pushpa 2 Fahad Fazil, the incredibly versatile actor renowned in Mollywood, continues...
Rajinikanth’s “Jailer” Sets Unprecedented Advance Booking Records Worldwide Superstar Rajinikanth, after a string of disappointing releases, is all set for a potential...