Celebrating the triumph: The Vela team marked the success of their film alongside Megastar Mammootty. Vela, featuring the dynamic duo of Shane...
Superstar Rajinikanth Applauds Karthik Subbaraj’s Jigarthanda DoubleX: A Unique Cinematic Marvel Superstar Rajinikanth joins a chorus of praise showered upon Karthik Subbaraj’s...
Buzz Alert: Yash Set for a Cameo in Prashanth Neel-Prabhas Movie ‘Salaar’ Prashanth Neel, the creative force behind the acclaimed KGF movie...
Joju George Joins Stellar Cast in Mani Ratnam’s ‘Thug Life’ with Kamal Haasan: Latest Buzz Alert Renowned Master Director of Indian Cinema,...
Suriya’s Epic Saga ‘Kanguva’ Confirmed for Summer 2024 Release Tamil superstar Suriya is set to enthrall audiences with his monumental project, ‘Kanguva,’...
Shankar Applauds Jigarthanda DoubleX: A Cinematic Triumph In a resounding chorus of praise, renowned filmmaker Shankar lauds the recent release, Jigarthanda DoubleX....
Mammootty to Enthrall Audiences Again: Bazooka Second Look Unveiled The highly-anticipated film, Bazooka, featuring the legendary Megastar Mammootty, is currently in its...
The Grand Unveiling: Salaar Trailer to Hit Screens on December 1 Prepare for a cinematic spectacle as the much-anticipated magnum opus, ‘Salaar,’...
Mohanlal’s Striking Presence Ignites Social Media Frenzy: Empuraan First Look Unveiled The highly-anticipated sequel, Empuraan, featuring the renowned actor Mohanlal and directed...
Buzz Alert: Mammootty in Talks for Key Role in Rajinikanth’s Thalaivar 171 by Lokesh Kanagaraj In the aftermath of the monumental success...