Rashmika Mandanna Chosen as Leading Lady in Dhanush-Sekhar Kammula Movie Renowned Tamil superstar Dhanush is causing quite a stir in the entertainment...
Jailer Sequel Buzz: Rajinikanth-Mohanlal Duo Ready to Ignite Screens Once More The sensation ignited by “Jailer,” the blockbuster featuring Rajinikanth under the...
Lyca Productions is all set for the Mollywood debut with an exciting project featuring the dynamic duo of Dileep and Rafi. Hailing...
Suriya confirmed the Rolex standalone movie with Lokesh Kanagaraj. Tamil Superstar Suriya is gearing up for an exciting comeback, delighting fans and...
The unveiling of the First Look Poster for “Rahel Makan Kora” has captured widespread attention and anticipation. Set to grace the screens...
Tovino Thomas’s Thallumaala to Get a Sequel: Thallumaala 2 Confirmed by Producer Tovino Thomas, the rising star of Mollywood, is set to...
Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph Reunite for Their 6th Film – “Neru: Seeking Justice” Get ready for a thrilling cinematic experience as the...
Buzz Alert: Kamal Hassan Set for a Cameo in Vijay’s Leo Sequel. The much-awaited Tamil film of the year, “Leo,” has sent...
Rajinikanth’s “Jailer” Begins with a Bang, While Mohanlal’s Cameo Steals the Show The latest release, “Jailer,” featuring the legendary Rajinikanth, has taken...
Double Delight for Fans: Mammootty’s Kannur Squad Teaser to Premiere with King of Kotha Fans are in for an exhilarating treat as...