The main culprits in the online women trade case Reshmi Nair and Rahul Pasupalan during the police interrogation said that they went into such a situation due to the financial debt in which they fell after their decision to do a film named Pling. It was a film that started rolling directed by Rahul Shishupalan and scripted by Reshmi. But the financer of the film had come out against the couple saying that all their claims were fake. Because he had given enough money for them to shoot the film and if there is any financial problem that comes associated with film, it has to be for him and not for them. The name of the financer is Manoj K Sreedhar and he is a notable businessman in Kochi.
Manoj says that he and his wife met Rahul Pasupalan and Reshmi Nair during the campaign of kiss of love. At first they thought that all of them having the same viewpoints about all the issues that lead to the kiss of love campaign. Later they thought about making a film on the basis of this thought and then Rahul Pasupalan said that he will direct the film as he had worked as an assistant director in 4 Malayalam films. But that was a fake claim and they later understood after beginning the shoot of the film that Rahul Pasupalan did not even know how to hold a light in a film set.
Also Read : Reshmi Nair says she done it all for Cinema
Reshmi Nair was said to be writing the scrip of the film. But she was too ignorant about it and Rahul Paspalan was writing the script in her name. At first they said the film will complete in 80 lakh rupees. Later it went higher and reached 1.5 cr rupees. But that was an amount far higher than what Manoj have in his hand. At that time Reshmi Nair said that they can make money by blackmailing big shots in the name of woman trade. At first they thought it was joke by her but later it become serious. Manoj says that both Rahul Pasupalan and Reshmi Nair had received money from for many things and they even asked money from him to buy a car.
Manoj says that they were doing cheating in social medias too with fake profile in the names of popular political leaders as well. They had kept vulgar photos of college girls and video clips of popular people to blackmail them as well. Later the film had dropped because Manoj found out that both Rahul Pasupalan and Reshmi Nair were not going properly and now they are saying that the film had made them fall in debt. Manoj asks how a dropped project made them fall in a financial debt, when they are not he financers of that project.