Megastar Mammootty’s Kannur Squad Trailer to Debut Tomorrow The much-anticipated movie “Kannur Squad,” featuring the renowned Megastar Mammootty, is poised to grace...
Mammootty Set to Star in Another Telugu Film; Yathra 2 Production to Commence Soon Mammootty, the iconic figure from Mollywood, has carved...
Mammootty Rumored as Potential Replacement for Arvind Swamy in Thani Oruvan 2 Antagonist Role. Just two days ago, the much-anticipated announcement of...
Mammootty and Mahesh Narayanan Joining Forces for a Big-Budget Film The world of Mollywood is abuzz with excitement as the iconic Mammootty...
Mammootty’s Upcoming Mega Project with Vysakh and Midhun Manuel Thomas Set to Commence Soon Mammootty, the acclaimed figure of Mollywood, is presently...
Double Delight for Fans: Mammootty’s Kannur Squad Teaser to Premiere with King of Kotha Fans are in for an exhilarating treat as...
Mammootty to Make a Special Appearance in Jayaram’s Thriller “Abraham Osler” Acclaimed hit-maker Midhun Manuel is currently in the final stages of...
The 53rd Kerala State Film Awards were announced; Mammootty and Vincy Aloysius won top honors. The 53rd Kerala State Film Awards were...
Mammootty dubs in Telugu for Agent; Video grabs attention After several delays, the spy-thriller Agent starring Akhil Akkinenni and Malayalam superstar Mammootty...
Mammootty’s next titled Kannur Squad Mammootty’s next with cinematographer-turned-filmmaker Roby Varghese Raj has been titled ‘Kannur Squad’. The makers unveiled the title...