Megastar Mammootty’s Pathemari at Dhaka Film Festival Megastar Mammootty’s superhit movie Pathemari released in 2015 was both critically and commercially acclaimed. The...
Director Salim Ahamed announces his next Award winning filmmaker Salim Ahamed has announced his next movie through his official Facebook page. The...
Pathemari issue: Director Salim Ahamed apologized Director Salim Ahamed who written and directed the film Pathemari had apologized to the family members...
Pathemari 125 days celebration function stills Pathemari, one of the best films that relaesed last year in Mollywood had won both the...
Pathemari won national award after got rejected in state film awards ! Pathemari, the Salim Ahammad directorial film released in 2015 October...
Malayalam cinema at 63rd National Film Award 63rd National film awards has been announced today and the jury headed by veteran director...
63rd National Film Award Announced ! 63rd National film awards has been announced to honor the best in Indian film industry based...
Even though Mollywood had gone through a very good year with some great successes and good films to boast of, only 5...
Mammootty starrer film Pathemari, directed by Salim Ahammad had released here in Kerala on October 9th and got great reviews. It already...
Pathemari Collection Report – 9 cr+ in 33 days Mammootty starrer film named Pathemari directed by Salim Ahammad is already hailed as...