Fahad Fazil Set to Portray Antagonist Role in Rajinikanth’s Thalaivar 170 Renowned Mollywood actor Fahad Fazil continues to make a significant impact...
Rajinikanth’s Jailer Achieves Grand Entry to the 500 Crore Club, Continuing Its Worldwide Storm Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest film, “Jailer,” has taken the...
Rajinikanth’s Upcoming Film with Jai Bhim Director titled Vettaiyan? A Riveting Cop Drama in the Making Rajinikanth, the iconic superstar of the...
Rajinikanth and Vijay Combo On-Screen: Nelson Dilipkumar about His Ambitious Dream Project Nelson Dilipkumar is currently riding the crest of success, thanks...
Rajinikanth’s Blockbuster ‘Jailer’ Smashes Records: Crosses 400 Crore Milestone at the Box Office Superstar Rajinikanth’s cinematic marvel, ‘Jailer,’ is reigning supreme, achieving...
Jailer Sequel Buzz: Rajinikanth-Mohanlal Duo Ready to Ignite Screens Once More The sensation ignited by “Jailer,” the blockbuster featuring Rajinikanth under the...
Jailer Strikes Box Office Gold: First Day Worldwide Gross Sets Records The global cinema landscape is ablaze with the resounding success of...
A Blockbuster Comeback: Rajinikanth Reigns in Jailer – Movie Review The much-anticipated moment has arrived as the worldwide screens light up with...
Big All-India Box Office Clash Ahead on Independence Day Weekend As the Independence Day celebration in India approaches on August 15, film...
Mohanlal and Rajinikanth Join Forces: Sun Pictures Unveils Mass Poster of “Jailer” The highly anticipated Tamil movie “Jailer,” starring the iconic Superstar...