Thalapathy Vijay’s Final Film Rumored to Be a Remake of Bhagavanth Kesari Thalapathy Vijay, who recently mesmerized audiences with his blockbuster “The...
Bobby Deol Joins Thalapathy Vijay’s “Thalapathy69” as Villain Thalapathy Vijay’s highly anticipated project, “Thalapathy69,” is set to kick off with a grand...
Jailer 2 vs Thalapathy 69: A Blockbuster Clash Set for October 2025 Tamil cinema is set for an electrifying box office battle...
KH233 Shelved? Rumors Suggest It Became Thalapathy69 Directed by H Vinoth Buzz in the film industry suggests that the much-anticipated KH233, rumored...
Vijay’s ‘Thalapathy 69’ Announced: Set for October 2025 Release The Tamil film industry is buzzing with excitement as “Thalapathy69” has officially been...
Vijay and Karthik Subbaraj Set to Join Forces for Thalapathy 69: A New Cinematic Venture Excitement reverberates within Kollywood circles as whispers...