Extraordinary opening for Mamangam at the worldwide box office Extraordinary opening for Mamangam at the worldwide box office the film has taken...
Meppadiyan: Unni Mukundan’s next is a crime thriller After the completion of ‘Mamangam’, Unni Mukundan had been on a two-month long break....
Unni Mukundan dubs in Hindi for Mamangam! Post-production works of ‘Mamangam’ are progressing in full swing. Though the film was announced as...
World is going to Unni Mukundan’s miracle: Mamangam producer Venu Kunnappilly ‘Mamangam’ directed by Padmakumar is currently in the last stages of...
Multi-starrer Pathinettam Padi gears up for release Actor-writer Shanker Ramakrishnan’s directorial debut ‘Pathinettam Padi’ has high expectations among a section of audience...
Unni Mukundan is super excited for Maamaankam Mammootty starrer ‘Maamaankam’ is currently in the final schedule of shoot. After shooting in various...
Pathinettam Padi release date announced? Actor-writer Shankar Ramakrishnan’s directorial debut ‘Pathinettam Padi’ is currently in the post-production phase. The movie is eagerly...
Prithviraj and Unni Mukundan wrap up their portions for Pathinettam Padi Actor-writer Shankar Ramakrishnan’s directorial debut ‘Pathinettam Padi’ recently got wrapped up....
Unni Mukundan and Noorin Shereef to team up for Chocolate: Retold We had earlier reported about Unni Mukundan starring in a movie...
Madhura Raja is an absolute fun ride; Particularly enjoyed Mammokka’s mass intro scene and action sequences: Unni Mukundan Megastar Mammootty’s ‘Madhura Raja’...