“Viduthalai Part 2” Trailer Unveiled: A Riveting Sequel by Vetri Maaran The official trailer of Viduthalai Part 2, directed by the acclaimed...
Manju Warrier to Star as Vijay Sethupathi’s Wife in Vetrimaran’s Viduthalai 2 Renowned filmmaker Vetrimaran holds a special place in Indian Cinema,...
Official: Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai to be released in two parts As reported earlier, Soori and Vijay Sethupathi are playing the leads in Vetrimaaran’s...
Dhanush sings for Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai We had earlier reported about Soori and Vijay Sethupathi playing the leads in Vetrimaaran’s next titled ‘Viduthalai’....
Soori and Vijay Sethupathi in Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai; Check out the location stills We had earlier reported that Soori and Vijay Sethupathi would...
Gautham Menon also part of Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai Director Vetrimaaran had recently unveiled the title and first look of his next film. Titled...
Vetrimaaran’s next with Soori and Vijay Sethupathi titled as Viduthalai; First look posters out Director Vetrimaaran has unveiled the title and first...