Premam cinema which has now touted as the second biggest hit in Mollywood history right behind the flick Drishyam had almost on its way to complete its theater run here and this abrupt end was caused by the piracy issue that had made the film to bow down. From last few weeks the only think we hear about the film is about the censor copy leak of the film and the investigation of the Ant-Piracy cell regarding this issue. And we heard some harsh take on the film as well from people like G.Venugopal, director Kamal and many other people also told in their late reviews that why this film is celebrated so much as it had nothing in it to be celebrated that much according to them.
Now veteran director Balachandra Menon had come up with a unique review of this flick as he had saw the film only recently. The director said that he had saw the film after hearing so much of mixed opinions from various corners ranging from positive to negative. He had heard many negative comments about the story of the film, its treatment, its technical side or the message it gives to the younger generation etc.
Balachandra Menon says that even though Premam is not a great film but it is a very enjoyable film and for that he appreciating the team behind this film. It surely used all the techniques to enter in to the mind of the spectators and to touch that points in the mind of the spectators which makes them feel nostalgically about their past love, college days and lost love etc. The team had successfully told the story in the most natural way possible and they never try to be artificial at any point. Even the dialogues looks very much natural and the new faces in the flick was done really well to give a fresh feel to the audience.
He says that more than a great film it is a film that used the formula of success very cleverly to take the audience in to the story of the film and they really done it psychologically by reminding them each and every situation they had crossed as a lover or college boy. Balachandra Menon ends his review by saying that “Nothing succeeds like success” and that is what he has to say about Premam in short.