There is some interesting things happening in our film industry and of course there is no scarcity of controversies in our industry. Not only ours it is very common in all film industries around the world and when it is come to the accusation and happenings related to frauds or cheating then it becomes all the more common. The new controversy or so called accusation had come from popular actress Iniya and she had posted it ion her Facebook profile as well. In her Facebook post she told that a celebrity Photographer named Sarith C Varma had cheated her and she want to tell it to all. But the photographer had denied the allegation and says that it was not his responsibility to control the publishing of a photo in any magazine.
Iniya says that Sarith had took her photograph as a part of a photoshoot and then gave it to many magazines without her permission. Most of them are her glamorous or bad photos. She also accuses him that he is taking money from the magazines for giving them the glamorous photos of the actresses including her.
But Sarith has to say a different version. He says that he had took her photos as a part of a photoshoot. Her mother and sister also with her while the photoshoot was happening there. Then after the photoshoot Iniya was very happy and said that it was very nice to work with him. Later he gave all that photos and memory card to the magazine, but it was not classified under edited or not-edited. So he told them not to publish unedited pictures. They agreed to that. But later the magazine had published Iniya’s glamorous photos and how could it becomes his fault he asks. He also says that for the past one and half years he did not even contacted with that magazine for any photoshoot or related to that photoshoot of Ineya. He don’t even seen Ineya as well during this time. He never gets the payment of that photoshoot as well.
He says he was really shocked to see her Facebook post against him and it really hurt him a lot. They are asking a big amount as a compensation as well. But he is not ready to give it as he believes he is innocent in this regard.