Plagiarism Now a days become common in film field and it has a pet name also as ‘inspiration’. But we never heard that kind of or so called ‘inspiration’ in the short film world. Now that is happened too. Recently a short film released in YouTube in Telugu language titled ‘Half girl friend’ is a scene by scene or may be a shot by shot copy cat of a Malayalam Short film released earlier in the title ‘Ee Kaalath’.
The short film in Telugu has originally so called ‘inspired’ from the Malayalam version has become viral in YouTube and also got great media attention. But the fact is that the makers of that so called ‘inspired’ half girl friend had not even bother to gave the credits to the original version and its makers when they done this kind of cheating.

Still from Ee Kalathu
Some time ago the Telugu director who directed the Telugu version of this Malayalam short film had called Jenith Kachappilly, the director of ‘Ee kaalathu’ , that too in a fake identity and told him that they had a plan to make a short film in Telugu and as they are are inspired from the story, they will give the credit of original story to Jenith in their version. Jenith had agreed on it.
But when the Telugu version released and got clicked in social medias Jenith called them and asked them to give the credits which they earlier agreed to give and not did actually. When Jenith told them to edit the film online, they first said that they will give description, then their tone changed to a certain threatening level and later the threat of suicide was their ploy. Later When the story of this copy cat issue has become viral in social medias like Facebook, and the makers moved in legal way, the channel which uploaded the video got involved and they edited the video with due credits to its original makers and the problem solved.

Still from Half Girlfriend
When we watch both the short films we will be surprised as the Telugu version is used every aspect of the Malayalam version including the same background music to make it. Each scene and each shot being the same. The Malayalam version had been produced by prashob kv and under the banner of Hole entertainment and it was written by Jenith Kachappilly, the director himself.
Watch Ee Kaalath Short Film Here