Love Action Drama team all set to reunite! Last day, on the first anniversary of the release of ‘Love Action Drama’, Aju...
Dhyan Sreenivasan’s next titled as Kadavul Sakayam Nadanasabha Dhyan Sreenivasan is set to star in a new film titled ‘Kadavul Sakayam Nadanasabha’....
Dhyan Sreenivasan sheds weight for Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya remake? We had earlier reported about the hit Telugu film ‘Agent Sai Srinivasa...
Nivin Pauly, Dhyan Sreenivasan and Aju Varghese to reunite after the success of Love Action Drama! Actor Dhyan Sreenivasan made his debut...
Dhyan Sreenivasan set to start works on his next directorial Dhyan Sreenivasan made his directorial debut last year with the rom-com ‘Love...
Dhyan Sreenivasan to star in Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya remake! Of late, Telugu film industry has seen a surge in quality films...
Neeraj Madhav, Dhyan Sreenivasan and Aju Varghese team up for Pathira Kurbana Four years after the success of ‘Adi Kapyare Koottamani’, the...
Two million views for Love Action Drama teaser The teaser of ‘Love Action Drama’ (LAD) is getting stunning response from all corners....
Nayanthara eyes to make a strong comeback with Love Action Drama As we already know, Nayanthara is returning back to Malayalam after...
Aju Varghese’s stylish new look in Love Action Drama poster grabs attention! A new poster of Dhyan Sreenivasan’s directorial debut ‘Love Action...