Mollywood’s Indrans Joins Suriya 45 Actor Suriya’s much-awaited 45th film, directed by RJ Balaji, continues to raise excitement with the addition of...
Tovino, Nimisha and Indrans team up for Dr Biju’s Adrishya Jalakangal Award-winning director Dr Biju will next helm a film titled ‘Adrishya...
Home starring Indrans and Sreenath Bhasi set to premiere in Amazon Prime Video ‘Home’ is an upcoming Malayalam film starring Indrans and...
Indrans birthday special; Watch the teaser of Home here! Vijay Babu’s Friday Film House is producing a new film with Indrans in...
Veyilmarangal wins yet another international award! Acclaimed filmmaker Dr Biju’s new film ‘Veyilmarangal’ (Trees Under the Sun) continues to garner acclaim from...
Indrans-Sreenath Bhasi starrer #Home starts rolling! We had recently reported about Friday Film House producing a new film with Indrans in the...
Indrans to play the lead in Friday Film House’s next Vijay Babu of Friday Film House has announced that his banner’s next...
Watch Indrans explaining how to stitch a face mask! In today’s times, as a preventive measure against the deadly Corona virus, health...
Watch the trailer of Dr Biju’s Veyilmarangal here Dr Biju’s new film ‘Veyilmarangal’ (Trees Under the Sun) grabbed attention when it was...
Mohanlal congratulates Indrans on winning the Best Actor award at Singapore South Asian International Film Festival Dr Biju’s new film ‘Veyilmarangal’ (Trees...