Mammootty Celebrates the Resounding Success of ‘Kannur Squad’ with Cast and Crew. Megastar Mammootty’s latest cinematic endeavor, ‘Kannur Squad,’ has emerged as...
Kannur Squad: Mammootty’s Blockbuster Sets Box Office Ablaze with 75 Late Night Shows on Day 1 and 70+ Screens Added on Day...
Kannur Squad Review: Mammootty’s Riveting Crime Thriller Delivers a Cinematic Masterpiece. The much-awaited Mammootty starrer “Kannur Squad,” directed by debutant Roby Varghese...
The first lyrical video from Mammootty’s upcoming film “Kannur Squad” has been released. Creating excitement among fans and movie enthusiasts, the much-anticipated...
Advance Booking Begins for Mammootty’s Upcoming Thriller ‘Kannur Squad’ Across Kerala Mammootty, the iconic Megastar of Indian cinema, is gearing up for...
Mammootty’s Kannur Squad is An Engaging Thriller; Sunny Wayne Reveals Details. Mollywood Megastar Mammootty is set to dazzle the audience with his...
Tinu Pappachan’s ‘Chaver’ Stares at Box-Office Clash with Mammootty’s ‘Kannur Squad’? ‘Chaver’ stands as one of the most highly anticipated films in...
A New Glimpse of Megastar Mammootty’s Thriller Bazooka Is Making Waves on Social Media ‘Bazooka,’ one of the highly anticipated projects featuring...
Exciting Cinematic Experience on the Horizon: Mammootty’s ‘Kannur Squad’ Trailer Unveiled In celebration of the birthday of Mollywood Megastar Mammootty, the team...
The Striking Poster of Mammootty’s Horror-Thriller ‘Bramayugam’ Unveiled As part of the veteran superstar’s birthday celebration, the highly-anticipated first poster of Mammootty’s...