The eagerly anticipated sequel to Nivin Pauly’s hit film ‘Action Hero Biju’ has officially entered its pre-production phase. “Action Hero Biju” holds...
Mari Selvaraj heaps praise on Nivin Pauly’s Mahaveeryar The Abrid Shine directorial ‘Mahaveeryar’ continues to get praise for being a daring experiment....
Thakaramale Samayamale Unaru: New promo song from Mahaveeryar out As ‘Mahaveeryar’ gears up to hit screens on July 21, the makers are...
Nivin Pauly and Abrid Shine to join hands for Action Hero Biju 2 Nivin Pauly and Abrid Shine are planning to team...
Nivin Pauly-Asif Ali starrer Mahaveeryar to release on July 21 The makers of ‘Mahaveeryar’ have announced that the film will be hitting...
Mahaveeryar teaser out; Nivin Pauly-Asif Ali starrer promises to be a fantasy entertainer As informed earlier, the teaser of ‘Mahaveeryar’ got released...
Nivin Pauly-Asif Ali starrer Mahaveeryar teaser to be out tomorrow We had earlier reported about Nivin Pauly and Asif Ali coming together...
Abrid Shine’s The Kung Fu Master gets dubbed in Hindi: Watch trailer here! Director Abrid Shine’s martial arts film ‘The Kung Fu...
Nivin Pauly-Asif Ali starrer Mahaveeryar wrapped up We had earlier reported about Nivin Pauly and Asif Ali playing the lead roles in...
Mahaveeryar: Nivin Pauly and Asif Ali team up for Abrid Shine’s next Nivin Pauly and Asif Ali are set to play the...