Chiyaan Vikram 58 titled as Amar? Vikram is currently working om Ajay Gnanamuthu’s thriller film, tentatively titled as ‘Chiyaan Vikram 58’. There...
Shane confirms being part of Chiyaan Vikram 58! Malayalam actor Shane Nigam is currently in the midst of a lot of trouble....
Irfan Pathan wraps up the first schedule of Chiyaan Vikram 58! As we already know, cricketer Irfan Pathan is making his acting...
Irfan Pathan to play a Turkish police officer in Chiyaan Vikram 58 Vikram’s new film directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu was launched only...
Chiyaan Vikram 58 launched; Irfan Pathan and KGF fame Srinidhi Shetty also part of cast Vikram’s new film directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu...
KGF fame Srinidhi Shetty signed for Chiyaan Vikram 58 After the startling announcement about cricketer Irfan Pathan starring in Vikram’s new film,...