Thug Life: Action-Packed Title Reveal Video Unveils Kamal Haasan, Mani Ratnam, AR Rahman’s Magnum Opus The long-anticipated title reveal video for a...
Unveiling the Spectacular World of Indian 2: Kamal Haasan and Shankar’s Blockbuster Sequel Generating Enormous Excitement One of the most highly anticipated...
Buzz Alert: Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Special Appearance in Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2. In the world of South Indian cinema, “Indian...
Kamal Haasan’s Upcoming Film with H Vinoth Promises Grandeur Beyond ‘Vikram’ Ulaganayakan Kamal Haasan, currently wrapping up his commitments for Shankar’s “Indian...
Kamal Haasan-produced Sivakarthikeyan film to have music by GV Prakash As announced earlier, Kamal Haasan is producing Sivakarthikeyan’s new film to be...
Indian 2 makers release Kamal Haasan birthday special posters The makers of ‘Indian 2’ have released two new posters on the occasion...
KH 234: Kamal Haasan and Mani Ratnam to reunite On the eve of Kamal Haasan’s birthday, a startling announcement was made through...
Kamal Haasan resumes Indian 2 shoot Kamal Haasan has resumed shooting for ‘Indian 2’ today. The actor took to Twitter to inform...
Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu 2 script in the works: Gautham Menon Recently, the audio and trailer launch event of the upcoming Simbu-Gautham Vasudev Menon...
Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth to be the chief guests at Ponniyin Selvan audio launch As announced earlier, the audio and trailer launch...