Love Action Drama enters Rs 50 crore club, declares Nivin Pauly The Nivin Pauly-Nayanthara starrer ‘Love Action Drama’ (LAD) has crossed the...
Madhura Raja does a worldwide business of Rs 104 crore in 45 days! Mammootty starrer ‘Madhura Raja’ was released during the Vishu...
Mammootty’s Madhura Raja crosses Rs 80 crore mark! Mammootty starrer ‘Madhura Raja’ is fast approaching its 50th day of theatrical run. Despite...
Lucifer crosses Rs 200 crore mark, claim makers! Mohanlal starrer ‘Lucifer’, which hit screens worldwide on March 28, has reached the 50th...
Madhura Raja storms into 50 crore club in just 10 days Mammootty starrer ‘Madhura Raja’ is currently in its second week of...
Lucifer zooms past the 150 crore mark in 21 days!!! Mohanlal starrer Lucifer, which hit screens on March 28, continues to shatter...
Madhura Raja crosses 30 crore mark in just four days Mammootty starrer ‘Madhura Raja’ continues to set the cash registers ringing. According...
Madhura Raja earns Rs 9.12 crores on its first day! Amidst huge expectations, Mammootty starrer ‘Madhura Raja’ hit screens last day and...
Kayamkulam Kochunni becomes the highest opening day grosser in Malayalam cinema! Kayamkulam Kochunni hit screens last day amidst huge hype. In Kerala...
Kerala Box Office: Aadhi 11 Days Collection Report Pranav Mohanlal’s Aadhi has entered the second week and still continues to run to...