Following Mersal’s blockbuster success, Vijay donates Rs 15 lakhs! Within a month of its release, Vijay’s Mersal has emerged to an all-time...
Adirindhi: Excellent opening for Mersal’s Telugu version! After raking in over Rs 225 crores worldwide from the Tamil version alone, Vijay’s Mersal...
Mersal crosses 225 crore mark worldwide; Beats Kabali to become the industrial hit of Kollywood! Vijay’s Mersal continues its stellar run at...
Vijay throws a grand success party for Mersal team!! Vijay’s latest outing Mersal continues to mint big bucks at the box office....
Mersal’s Telugu version Adirindhi finally gets a release date! Vijay’s Diwali release Mersal continues to do good business across all the release...
Vijay’s Mersal inching closer towards the 200 crore mark! Vijay is once again proving his authority in the box office with the...
Producers confirm that no scenes have been cut or muted in Mersal Vijay’s Diwali release Mersal continues to do terrific business across...
Talks are on for remaking Mersal and I’ll be directing it in Hindi: Atlee Young filmmaker Atlee is currently on a high...
BJP urges to remove few scenes from Mersal as they allege that their schemes have been mocked in the movie! Vijay’s films...
Mersal teaser becomes the world’s first ever movie teaser to fetch one million likes Vijay’s Mersal is all set to storm screens...