“Dulquer Salmaan and Ritika Singh Sizzle in Kalapakkara Song from King of Kotha” The highly anticipated Kalapakkara song from Dulquer Salmaan’s grand...
Dulquer Salmaan-Venky Atluri Movie Title Announced on Actor’s Birthday Mollywood’s beloved actor, Dulquer Salmaan, is celebrating his birthday today, and he chose...
“Dulquer Salmaan Joins Suriya-Sudha Kongara’s Next Project” Sudha Kongara, a highly acclaimed female filmmaker in Indian Cinema, has garnered widespread attention through...
Dulquer Salmaan shares King of Kotha location stills Dulquer Salmaan is currently busy shooting for his film ‘King of Kotha’ (KoK) in...
Dulquer Salmaan collaborates with Zee Studios; King of Kotha to be a pan-Indian film Dulquer Salmaan’s production house Wayfarer Films is collaborating...
Dulquer Salmaan’s King of Kotha starts rolling We had earlier reported about Dulquer Salmaan starring in ‘King of Kotha’, which marks the...
Guns And Gulaabs: Teaser of Dulqer Salmaan’s maiden web series is here At the recently held ‘Tuddum’ event, the teaser of Netflix’s...
Chup Review: A quriky, unique thriller lead by an excellent Dulquer Salmaan R Balki’s ‘Chup’ has one of the most quirkiest storylines...
Trailer of Dulquer Salmaan’s Chup looks terrific The trailer of Dulquer Salmaan’s upcoming Hindi film ‘Chup: The Revenge of an Artist’ has...
Release date of Dulquer Salmaan’s Chup announced Dulquer Salmaan’s upcoming Hindi film ‘Chup: The Revenge of an Artist’ with director R Balki...