Tinu Pappachan’s Thrilling Political Drama ‘Chaaver’ Hits the Big Screens Today – Theater Listings Revealed. The highly anticipated political thriller, ‘Chaaver,’ directed...
Tinu Pappachan’s Chaaver All Set to Challenge Mammootty’s Kannur Squad at the Box Office. Mammootty’s latest release, “Kannur Squad,” has been on...
Padmini : Once again, Senna Hegde demonstrates his knack for delivering light-hearted comedy film. With skillful character arrangements and engaging storylines, the...
Kunchacko Boban, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Shruti Ramachandran and Anagha in Ezra director’s next ‘Ezra’ director Jay K has started shooting for his new...
Top 10 Malayalam Films of 2022 2022 has been an interesting year for Malayalam cinema. It began with the industry bouncing back...
Ariyippu Review: A thoroughly gripping slow-burner Mahesh Narayanan’s latest film ‘Ariyippu’, after a successful festival run, is out on Netflix. Set during...
Kunchacko Boban’s Ariyippu gets a new trailer Last day, we had reported about ‘Ariyippu’ releasing directly on Netflix. The film is set...
Kunchacko Boban’s Ariyippu set for Netflix premiere; Release date out We had earlier reported about ‘Ariyippu’ releasing directly on Netflix. It has...
Confirmed: Kunchacko Boban’s Ariyippu to release on Netflix Kunchacko Boban’s ‘Ariyippu’, which is currently on its festival rounds, will release directly on...
Kunchacko Boban’s Ottu postponed yet again Kunchacko Boban’s Malayalam-Telugu bilingual film Ottu/Rendagam was supposed to hit screens this Friday. But it has...