Iyobinte Pusthakam is Amal Neerad’s period movie featuring Fahad Fazil. The movie has pre independence India as its background. Iyob (played by...
Varsham is one of the much awaited movie of the year and everyone had high expectations on the film. It was mainly...
It is impossible to put in words the star power of the Tamil actor Vijay. His films are nothing short of a...
Sibi Malayil has earned a distinction among the directors for presenting valuable message through his movies. He is back with the movie...
It is hard not to get vibes of excitement when it comes to Shahrukh Khan Movies. Happy New Year can be rightfully...
Haider is an ambitious project of Shahid Kapoor which released on Gandhi Jayanti, October 2014 and is the latest movie directed by...
The movie Ithihasa is a new entry to the genre of fantasy. The film marks the debut id the director Binu S....
Asha Black is the first directorial work of John Robinson which has a youth centered theme. The director revealed that the story...
Anoop Kannan looks to come back with a bang after his film Jawan of Vellimala failed t o create vibes at Box...
The name Sapthamashree Thaskaraha is suggestive of the movie main thread.The plot takes its life from seven thieves who gets imprisoned for...