Charlie, the most awaited Malayalam film of this year had released today all over. The flick directed by Martin Prakat after the...
Dilwale, the most anticipated Bollywood flick of this year has been released today. The reason for the anticipation is known of the...
Thanga Magan, the latest Kollywood release starring Dhanush, Amy Jackson, Samantha in lead roles has been released today and it is directed...
John Honai, the latest release in Mollywood and the name is very popular among all malayalees. John Honai is popular villain character...
The main release of this week in Mollywood was the film named Rockstar directed by VK Prakash, one of the most prolific...
Urumeen, this Friday is graced with this Kollywood film starring Bobby Simha, Kalaiyarasan and Reshmi Menon. The film has been directed by...
My God, one of the Malayalam films that released today is a Suresh Gopi starrer film directed by M. Mohanan of Kadha...
Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal, the film directed by national award winner Dr. Biju had released today in Kerala. The film had Kunchacko Boban...
Rajamma@ Yahoo (Rajamma at Yahoo) is one of the major releases today in Kerala and the film was much anticipated due to...
The major film released today was Jayasurya starrer flick Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam directed by Ranjith Shankar. The film marked the reunion...